Other Steven news:
1) He has two more teeth coming in. His fourth bottom front tooth popped through yesterday and one top molar has a corner sticking through his sore gums. Molars are rough; that bad boy has been hanging out just under the surface for almost two weeks now. I feel like it's just teasing us with that corner poking through.
2) He is wearing a size 6 shoe which is pretty big for an almost 14 month old. I guess he's taking after his Daddy and Grandpa Dave (on my side).
3) He started pointing at thing a few weeks ago which we're hoping means that his first word is right around the corner. He's been trying to repeat "Uh-oh," but the "oh" part is tricky for him. Technically that's not a word but we think it counts. He also tried to repeat "shoes" this morning when we were putting his sneakers on his feet.
5) He is down to one nap, and we are both enjoying it. I tried to keep him at two for a while but it just got to the point that if he took a morning nap, he couldn't fall asleep for his afternoon nap. He is so much more rested when he wakes up from his nap now. The only hard part is that he's always been an early riser, but he finally slept until 8 am yesterday- I was so excited!
Steven will be 14 months on Friday! How did he grow up so fast?