Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Friendly Beasts

I know that Christmas (and Dec Blog Challenge) is over but I had to use one more carol title because I had never heard of it and it was too perfect. New Year's Eve morning we went to the zoo because the weather was so beautiful (high of 72) and we wanted Steven to give Charlton's parents a personalized tour of the zoo. I'm taking of advantage of the fact that they generously took lots of pictures of the three of us and I'm posting all of them.

We had to take lots of pictures in front of the elephants. Steven's very special friend is Frank (a stuffed elephant animal). Frank has become a very important member of our family; Charlton and I also have great affection for him. He is a great comfort to Steven anytime he needs a little extra care when we can't be there. We now take Frank with us to grandparents' houses and sometimes in the car when we are just getting out because Steven is very content when Frank is around. Steven is sleeping very well now in pack-in-plays away from home, and while I can't totally attribute that to Frank, I think that he does have a lot to do with it. Elephants in general have become a favorite for us. More on Frank in a later post.... Another elephantSteven always finds a playground no matter where we are.That is one patient goat!


Anonymous said...

We're going to miss y'all. Anytime you are at the zoo or in the museum district or medical center, please drop in. No need to call ahead, if you have a little extra time, just ring our doorbell.

Jamie said...

No glasses! You look great! (Not that you didn't with glasses!)

Patti said...

Harper is also a big fan of Mack the baby elephant at the zoo. He really is very cute. I love the stocking pictures--especially the last year/this year comparison. I have a bib recommendation. Baby Bjorn makes this flexible rubbery bib that is unpulloffable (spell check is displeased with my word coinage) AND can just be rinsed off or put in the dishwasher. Very durable, much better than having to launder bibs constantly (and rather "green" too, which might, at some point, win you a Nobel Peace Prize). Right Start has them--I think they were 2 for $20. Well worth the investment.

Julee Casey said...

Hey friends!! We miss you. I would love to go to the zoo or anywhere with you and that little cutie!!So glad that things are going well for your family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
1-love the blog--we have similar tastes in movies/books. =)
2-looks like ya'll had a great time at the zoo. I can't wait till Isaac gets old enough to enjoy that kind of stuff!

Missy said...

I think it is time for you to get pregnant again. Whaddya say??