Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Giving Thanks

I bet you can guess what we are thankful for....our beautiful baby boy! We spent Thanksgiving with our families. On Thursday, we were with the Thurmans, and Friday with the Wimberlys. I want to send a special thank you out to my mom and Brenda for what a big help they have been since Steven was born. Thank you, thank you for all the food you've brought, clothes you've washed and folded, and sleep you helped me get. We could not have survived the first three months without you!
Here are some pictures with my family that I've been slow to post.

End of a long, but fun, holiday!

Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle couldn't be with us on Thanksgiving Day (we missed you!) but they came to celebrate Lindsay's birthday and Steven's baptism the weekend before. Lindsay didn't even mind that Steven stole a little of the limelight (ok, a lot of it)- she's such a great Aunt! These are pictures from her family birthday party.


Anonymous said...

Laura! You look great!
Aren't Moms the best to have around when you are adjusting to a new little one?
It's great to see some pics of your family. Your parents look like they haven't aged a day!
Tell them all I said hello from Monroe.

Lindsay Newcomer said...

These pictures are great! I had so much fun seeing y'all today. Pictures are never as good as the real thing!

Sarah Hazel said...

That must be a photo of 4 generations together. Precious.